Enter your domain name :
Keywords :
Check Positions upto :
Enter keywords in separate line.
Enter your domain name :
Keywords :
Check Positions upto :
Enter keywords in separate line.
Here, we offer you a very useful SEO Tool. It is the Keyword Position Checker.
The tool allows you to know the position of your website or URL in the search engines (such as Google) with respect to other websites for a given keyword.
Suppose you are running a website on a smartphone.
So, the tool can be used to know the position of your website on Google for the keyword “best smartphone.”
The Keyword Position Checker Tool shows you this information.
It’s a completely FREE tool. It’s simple and easy to use. Moreover, it’s extremely reliable and effective.
In simple words, keyword position can be defined as the rank that a website holds in search engines concerning other competing websites, for a given keyword.
You should aim to capture one of the top three spots on SERPs. So, you must know who’s positioned where. It helps to devise an effective SEO strategy so that you can reach your goal of attaining the top positions on SERPs.
It calls for making the right efforts. Moreover, it begins by finding your ranking positions on SERPs.
It’s where Keyword Position Checker proves helpful to you. It helps you to know your website’s position on SERPs for a particular keyword.
So, you should start working right away.
Some of the things that you can do to gain better position your site on SERPs include:
The tool is simple to use. You don’t need to be an SEO expert.
You need not to possess any technical experience either. Moreover, the tool does not require you to login or go for any prior registration.
Simply follow the steps listed below:
Step #1: Access the web page for the tool.
You are here right now.
Step #2: Enter the URL of the website whose position you want to check.
Step #3: Enter the keywords in a separate line.
Step #4: You have to enter the number of positions you want to check. By default, it is set to 50. So, if you do not want to change the positions, you can skip this step. Check positions will be set to 50.
Step #5: Complete the image verification or Captcha.
Step #6: Press the button named as “Find Keyword Position.”
That’s it.
The tool will return the results instantly.
The Keyword Position Checker will return the results for Google as well as Yahoo for the keywords that you have entered for your website.