Once you set up your blog, the next big challenge comes in the form of generation of traffic for your blog or website.
You require a consistent and moreover large volume of traffic flow to your website so as to sustain yourself in the “BIG” world of blogging and e-business.
Well, you probably already know this, point I wanted to emphasize is how you would make this happen?
What are the techniques of driving traffic to your website?
Or rather what is the most effective way of driving traffic to your website?
Although, as a general rule, you need to write quality content for your website or blog, but this alone is not enough to give you large volume of traffic for your site. Then you can also resort to promoting your website through the social media channels like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. However, you have no control over the volume of traffic you would get from these sources.
So you see that unique and quality content, social media optimization, and even search engine optimization are just not enough to drive large and consistent flow of traffic towards your site.
So then what is the solution for you?
Actually, the most viable and effective way of driving traffic to your site, till date, has been “Guest Posting” or “Guest Blogging”. Although you might not have fully utilized this channel (Guest Posting or Guest Blogging) for bringing in consistent and large volume of traffic to your website, the reality is that Guest Posting is a very powerful and by far the best method for bringing in huge flow of traffic to your site.
You invariably have to open up this channel, if you really are interested in popularizing your site and look forward to building up a great reputation and brand value for your site.
Your online blogging success largely depends upon how well you use this means of Guest Posting or Guest Blogging to your benefit.
There are not one but many benefits of using Guest Posting, which gives it the real edge and advantage over other means of promoting your websites.
Here, I have enumerated some of the major benefits of Guest Posting, so it’s clearly bring out its advantage and show that it can be a viable source for large volume of traffic.
Table of Contents
Benefit of Guest Blogging
Guest Blogging Makes You an Expert
If you take up guest blogging on a regular basis, you would most likely become an expert in the niche in which you are blogging. Slowly and gradually as you continue researching and publishing quality posts on authority sites, you would gain acclamation and laurels from other bloggers as well as from the audience who read your post. “Expert” is a tag that is hard to get. Moreover, it is valuable from the point of view of establishing yourself and your site as a brand. Guest Blogging is the means which gives you the opportunity of becoming an “Expert”.
Have a Wider Audience Base
When you submit guest-posts on various blogs or websites, you get an opportunity of having a wider audience base. You get the readership of those visitors who happen to visit and surf the sites on which you have submitted your posts. They like and share your guest posts on various social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and more. So you get to have visitors to your sites from these sources, as well. The net result being access to a wider audience base.
Source of Link-Building
Link-Building or inbound links or for that matter back-links plays a crucial role in driving traffic from the search results or search engines. The number and quality of backlinks play a crucial role in determining the rankings on the search engine results page. Through Guest Posting, you can generate back-links for your site. Usually you can attach a link in the author’s bio, from within the post and also can also have social media profile URLs, which can be published at the end of the post. So Guest Blogging can prove a great source for link-building.
Help to Build Upon Relationships with Other Bloggers
As you carry on Guest Posting or Guest Blogging, you tend to come in contact with various bloggers and webmasters. As your posts get published in their blogs or websites and are being liked and appreciated by the targeted audience, slowly and gradually you are able to build a rapport, and relationship with these bloggers. They recognize you as an authority as you continue to give your best in the blog posts you submit. They may appreciate your work and may write reviews about your posts of their blog. They may also share your posts on social media channels also. So you get a lot of benefit from building relationships with others which can result from you submitting your guest posts.
Making Money with Guest Blogging
Many website or blogs pay for guest blogging and full Recognition to your blog post. Many popular blogs look for expert writers in a particular niche, and if their guest post is accepted in that website or blog they pay to guest bloggers. Earnings can be different from blog to blog, and you may easily find the website which are paying $25 to $200 per guest post. It is a win-win situation for guest blogging you are paid for guest blogging, you get full recognition and may be a backlink to your website too.
More Social Media Recognition, Credibility and opportunity to Network
By Guest Posting, you get recognition over the various Social Media networks. The readers like your post and they promote it on social media channels. Your blog post can become viral as it spreads out quickly and exponentially to thousands and millions of readers across the social media profiles. As your Guest post becomes popular, viral and garners more social media recognition, you stand to gain credibility for your work. As a result, your profile becomes popular and liked by readers and bloggers alike. Your posts receive positive comments, and your readers gain a lot of value from your guest posts. You can then use different email marketing techniques to network with your target audience and hence can further the sales in the process.
However, Guest Posting is easy said than done as it requires discipline, dedication and more importantly your continued efforts. Every time you come up with a guest post, you require producing quality and unique content so that it is accepted at the other end and gets published. You need to carry on proper research and analysis before writing on the topic you have chosen. Moreover, you have to select topics which are of value to the readers and should write in such a fashion that the targeted audience likes and shares it on social media channels. For this, you have to take up to keyword research and find out such keywords, which are low in competition and high on search.
With this little but well directed and persistent efforts, you can surely come out with superb and high quality Guest-Posts. Guest- Posting is a vital website promotional technique, and if you make proper use of guest blogging, you can surely have a successful blogging career ahead.