Blogging can look easy, but these days it’s not easy as it looks. One has to take care of what readers will love and how to generate search traffic on for your blog.
The biggest challenge in blogging comes in the form of writing quality content that is valuable for the readers. Moreover, blogging demands that you should regularly dish out interesting, valuable, unique, and quality content to your readers.
It requires that you should be a prolific writer who should be fluent in writing great and varied articles for your readers.
However, it is usually seen that most bloggers in some point of their blogging career experience what is known as ‘Writer’s Block’. They just run out of ideas and don’t know what to write. They just go on dishing out the same type of content to their readers. This hampers their reader’s interest, and they lose interest in their blog. They stop visiting their blog.
So, how to fight this ‘Writer’s Block’?
Well, as a simple solution you got to have a resource file which contains frameworks and ideas for new posts. You got to know what types of blogs you can write for. When you know that you can write for different types of blogs, things become very easy for you. Your confusion and dilemma vanishes and you get the clarity and have the ideas with you. Writing content then becomes easy for you.
If you are depended on search traffic, then you may know competitive it is to rank on search result. Not just readers, search engines also look for content and give ranking according to content. These days it is found that search engine love long content say 2000 words. Now it is important to write content which people and search engine love.
So here is a list of Types of Blog Posts you can write to make your blog successful.
The list is comprehensive and includes most of the popular blog types that are prevalent and highly written in the blogosphere. When you have the ideas and framework for new posts, writing content would not be a problem for you.
So you can go through the types of blog posts presented below and hopefully you will get rid of the syndrome of ‘Writer’s Block’.
Table of Contents
Different Types of Blog Posts
1. Large List Post
The beauty of a large list post is that they provide a lot of information and that too in a single post. Large list posts tend to become attention gainers as visitors see more value in them and usually prefer reading such types of post. Large list posts are filled with content, and provide a wide variety of information to the readers.
Another benefit of creating large list post is that, they can be created on any type of niche. Whether it is technology, software, web designing, graphic designing, blogging, internet marketing, SEO techniques, products, services, or any other niche. It can be a collection of tips; can be inspirational post; it can also be a compilation of website links. Large list posts are easy to write. As the post is a collection of information in a list form, so you do not have to write much in each of the points that you showcase in your list.
Some Examples of a large list posts are:
– 25 Money Saving Tips
– 50 Good Habits
– 25 Premium WordPress Themes
2. Long Niche Post
Although writing long niche post can be a time consuming task, but having these types of posts in your blog can be of immense value to your readers. You don’t have to be a skilled writer, or a master in your niche, however, should be willing to invest your time in research and analysis, so that you can come up with a worthwhile post for your readers.
An example of a long niche post can be, Guest Posting – Yes or No. In long niche post you have to cover about every aspect of the topic, likes about topic, it’s good, it’s bad, its uses etc. Readers love long niche post as they need and value quality information. They get most of the information in one article. So, writing long niche post requires you to research the topic you choose for your blog.
Ultimately it is the type of content you create for your readers that will bring laurels and accolades to you. And Long Niche Post can be a great way to achieve this.
3. Resource Posts
Resource Posts have much similarity with list posts. It is a collection of information that you have searched elsewhere over the World Wide Web and present links directing to those sites from where you have found the information. In other words, you do not come up with the content, but rather search information and share the links showcasing that content.
Resource Posts are getting popular these days, and many successful bloggers are publishing such posts in their blogs. Your readers benefit the most as they get a wide variety of links pointing to valuable information that is spread over the vast sea of Internet and is difficult to search.
Resource posts are also beneficial from SEO point of view as sites which have been featured in your resource posts tend to give backlinks to such posts. They want to let their users know that they have been featured in such types of resource posts.
Some Examples of Resource Posts include:
– 50 Awesome Photo Manipulation Examples
– 25 Inspiring Logo Designs
4. Step by Step Tutorials
Tutorial posts are one of the most popular types of posts on the blogosphere. Readers derive great value from such posts as they learn techniques of doing specific tasks whether related to technology or some other niche. Your tutorial posts should be vivid, informative and should describe step by step how to accomplish the task as mentioned in the title of the post. You can use images and videos which serve as additional resources and help to make your tutorials more useful and clear to your readers.
5. Product Reviews
Reviews are highly searched posts on the World Wide Web. People invariably head to search engines (like Google) to read reviews of products they propose to buy. One more advantage of writing reviews is that, they have great longevity and get readers over a great span of time. You can provide in-depth reviews or can also provide short reviews showcasing the features and benefits of products. In writing reviews, you should take care of providing your insightful opinion about the products which you review. Such reviews get more visitors than reviews which just mention or list down the features of products.
6. Product Comparison
Product Comparison posts are another very popular type of post on the web. People like to compare two or more similar product before buying or using a product. This helps them to choose the right product for their needs. Actually Product Comparison Posts are very similar to Product Review posts, but with a wider focus. In Product Comparison posts, you bring out the positives and negatives of each of the products that you compare. You can also list their features, benefits, advantages and disadvantages.
7. Multimedia Post
In multi-media posts, you come up with images, videos, or pod-cast. Such types of posts usually require less of writing. Generally you provide an introduction and tell the readers what the multi-media post is all about. Multimedia posts are getting popular these days. People tend to acquire knowledge more quickly by seeing videos, and listening to audio, and hence they appreciate such type of blog posts.
8. Interview Experts
Well, it is a natural phenomenon that you could not be an expert in every field. But this does not mean that you should stop learning and experimenting. Actually learning is an ongoing phenomenon, and you can always build upon your knowledge. A useful approach of upgrading your knowledge can be that you interview the experts. This way you not only learn new things but can also share this knowledge with your online audience through your blog. You can actually interview experts and publish the interaction in your blog.
You should take care not to ask too many questions to the experts as this may confuse your readers. So keep the interview short, simple, and focus on two or three questions in your interview with the Experts. Publishing expert’s interview in your blog helps to build a healthy relationship with them apart from getting traffic to your blog posts.
9. Blog Post Roundups
In whichever niche you are in, you can always find authoritative bloggers who write compelling content or there is a lot of news related to your blog niche. If you make weekly or monthly roundups, this will give your readers useful information or news they have missed. Roundup can be news, some great content on other blog etc. So select some of these blogs and write a blog post roundups. It is a type of review that you write for the blogs which you find interesting and valuable. It could turn out to be a great help for your readers as they get information about quality blogs on the web.
One more benefit of writing a blog post roundups is that they help in establishing relationships with other bloggers. You provide links to such blogs and write a positive feedback for such blogs. In turn, these bloggers can give an opportunity to write guest posts or can write about your blogs and provide links directing to your website or post.
10. Case Study
Case Study Posts presents a step by step study about a ‘case’. It researches the topic from every aspect and presents the readers the conclusion based on facts and figures. It presents a detailed breakdown of how you have applied a specific technique. Your readers value such posts as they get the proof that they can work too on such techniques and get the same outcome if they follow the process as illustrated in the posts. Case Studies are very much similar to resource posts as they include videos, screenshots, and resource links.
11. How to Post
How to Post are post which tell how to do a particular task. Which provide valuable information to your readers. If your how-to-post is lengthy, you can come with a series of them and publish it in two or three parts. The information you provide should be laid out in a step wise fashion, so it becomes easy for your visitors to read and comprehend. You can also include images and videos in your how to post so as to make them effective and viewer friendly.
How to post examples:
How to Tie a Tie
How to publish eBook on Amazon
12. Lessons from Celebrities
People look up to Celebrities. They love to read about celebrities and usually follow the trends set by them. We actually live in a celebrity obsessed culture. As a blogger, you can take advantage of this fact and can come up with interesting posts with celebrities as the centre of attraction. For this, you have to research about your favorite celebrities and find interesting facts and examples from their life. You can frame blog posts about celebrities so that it could be a learning experience for your readers.
Examples of lessons from Celebrities include:
– Warren Buffett Quotes
– Bill Gates House
13. Research Post
Research Posts are basically research based posts. You can choose any topic on the niche in which you have interest and research it thoroughly on the web. You have to collect facts and present them in a way that can be easily understood and appreciated by your readers. Research posts consume a lot of your time and usually are lengthy posts. These posts can bring a good number of visitors and you can yourself be recognized as authority writer in due course of time if you continue coming up with new and interesting research posts.
14. Infographics
As the name itself implies, Infographics post is a combination of information and graphics. You not only present the content but also support your content with graphics, charts, diagrams, figures, and pictures. The result is a post which is informative and visually pleasing to the viewers.
15. Tell a Story
Well, Stories are a great way to connect with your audience. People like stories as they present the content in a very interesting and engaging manner. You can narrate a story which has inspired you a lot. It should relate with the niche in which you blog and should be valuable for your readers. It should motivate and inspire your readers. Moreover, the stories you present should be a learning experience for your audience.
16. Serialized Articles
Sometimes your blog post may run into thousands of words. In such scenarios, it is better having serialized articles instead of having a single article. Serialized articles are beneficial to your readers as they find it easy to read and comprehend small articles instead of long ones. It also helps in maintaining their interest in your blog and they look forward to returning to your blog posts. So, Serialized articles are good for retaining visitors.
Serialized Articles Examples:
Q&A Monday
Whiteboard Tuesday
Link Building Part 1
Mastering SEO in 7 Days (Day 1)
17. Self Story
Self Story is another interesting way to engage your audience. It is always easy to connect with your audience through a self story. You can share your learning experience; it could be an obstacle that you have encountered in your life, or it could be even be a mistake that you have made. Anything that can inspire, or interest your audience can become a Self Story. Altogether, self story should prove to be valuable for your readers.
18. Q&A Post
Q&A Posts are becoming popular with lots of bloggers. Here, you answer a particular question asked by your readers. Q&A Posts seeks to present a solution to your readers. The question usually relates to the niche in which you are blogging, so it is also useful for your other readers too. The answers proposed and furnished by you tend to enrich your visitors. A satisfied customer is worth hundred prospective customers. The same holds true for Q&A posts. By answering questions of your readers, you tend to build a long lasting relationship with them which can be beneficial to you in the times to come. You can take up one question at a time or can answer two to three questions in a post.
19. Giveaways and Freebies
Giveaways and Freebies are very popular with readers. In this type of blog post, you offer something free it can be totally free anyone can download or they have to participate in the contest. People love to get free things. Bloggers can offer free eBooks, free software, free templates, free logo design etc. These are not lengthy posts. They go on to describe the features and benefits of products and services that you intend to give away as Freebies. In one, sense, you can say that these are promotional posts, which have the sole intention of promoting the products to the targeted audience. For these posts, you can also support the content with videos and images.
20. Your Blog Income and Traffic Report
These are again very popular category of posts. Usually Blog and Income Traffic Report present your monthly earnings and the sources from which you are generating your income. Together with this information you also supplement the post with information about your Traffic sources and your earning source. Your Blog Income and Traffic Report are very much popular with other bloggers and webmasters. Also, new and upcoming bloggers are interested in these types of reports.
This is not a complete list of different types of blog posts style but the list contains some of the most used blog post style these days which search engines and visitors like.