Google AdSense is one of the best ways to earn with your blog or website; for years, Google AdSense is the main earning source for many webmasters. Google AdSense works as pay per click model where publishers earn every time there is a click on their AdSense ads.
Making money with Google AdSense is really very easy; place AdSense ads on your website or blog and start earning money.
Implementing AdSense and making money with it is very easy, and because of this, many AdSense frauds are taking place. In the early days of Google AdSense, account approval was easy, and AdSense quickly approves publishers without many requirements.
Nowadays Google AdSense team is very strict about accepting new AdSense account because of click fraud. Some AdSense publishers click on their own ads to earn money, but Google bans those publishers from using AdSense. As Google AdSense is improving them for click fraud deduction and banning such publishers, the people involved in such wrong activities are also implementing new techniques to cheat Google.
Because of that, approving new publishers in the AdSense program is becoming difficult day by day. Now, what a new publisher should do to get accepted into the AdSense publisher program?
If you want an AdSense account for clicking on your own ads, then forget it this article is not for you.
Steps for Google AdSense Account Approval
Think like Advertiser: If you want to get approval for your AdSense account, don’t think like a publisher; think like an advertiser. What an advertiser will expect from a publisher is that the advertiser doesn’t like click fraud; they look for quality websites with great content, look for good traffic on the publisher’s website, etc. When you think like an advertiser, you will understand what advertisers want from a website. This will help you design and build a website, giving a lot of value to advertisers and visitors.
Don’t apply for a very new website: If you have just built a website or blog, apply for an AdSense account. Give your website at least 4-6 months before applying for AdSense; this way, you can put a lot of quality content to gain some visitors to your website or blog. When you have some quality content and visitors, Google will see you as a genuine and quality publisher and give you value as an AdSense publisher.
Another side of applying to an AdSense account quickly: When you don’t have many visitors on your website, how will you earn. If only 20 or 100 visitors are coming to your website, maybe no visitor will click on ads, so no way to make money or very little money, which will not solve your problem. First, focus on quality and visitors, then look for earning sources.
Read AdSense Program Policies: Before applying to AdSense, read Google AdSense program policies that will help you understand what Google is expecting from the publisher and what they don’t like in a website or blog. While reading AdSense program policy, you will find how much Google hates invalid clicks and impressions, and you will also find content guidelines. They do not accept websites containing copied content and copyright material. Google also looks for traffic sources, ad placements, site behavior, and many more things. So before applying to the AdSense program, carefully read AdSense program policies.
You can also find some useful information to get your application approved in the AdSense program from Google itself.
Write Quality Content Regularly: Not just Google AdSense program, Google search also loves quality content, giving value to visitors. If you are not giving quality to your visitors, they will not stay on your website, nor will they click on ads. To give your visitors value, write a quality article regularly, which is not just for AdSense. Quality always gives good returns.
Build a business model: When you think about AdSense, you are looking for earnings, business. So take your website as a business, not just a way to make money online. When you take your website or blog as a business, you can think about giving your visitors value. You will try to gain popularity, build relationships with your visitors, increase visitors to your site, etc. When you take your website as a business, you start loving it, and you will give a lot of affords on your website, and that’s what AdSense wants.
Website Design: Website or blog designs matter for the Google AdSense program. Google looks for easy navigate website with easy-to-access content on your website or blog. If your website is not easy to access Google, may reject your application for an AdSense account. As Google wants to give great value to visitors on a website, they look at the website for its layout. If your website is filled with lots of advertisements, then your application may get rejected. Lots of advertisements and not easy to navigate will not give ease to visitors to your website. So make sure your website is easy to access and not filled with ads.
Applying these steps may not guarantee approval in the AdSense program but surely increase the chances that your website may get approval in AdSense, and you can start making money with such a great program.