What Does Page RPM Mean in Google Adsense?

If you monitor your AdSense reports, you will notice that it shows a metric known as Page RPM (Revenue per Thousand Impressions).

It’s different from eCPM.

So, what does Page RPM Mean in Google Adsense?

Let’s move ahead and see what is Page RPM in Google Adsense.

What is Page RPM in AdSense


What is Page RPM in AdSense?

In fact, the new Adsense interface looks promising and useful.

It is a more detailed one and has easy to understand format with graphs.

It goes on to show some new factors.

You get to see “Page RPM” in the new Google Adsense interface.

It means Revenue per 1000 impressions or Revenue per Mile.

Page RPM in AdSense

Sounds confusing?

Well, there’s a difference between eCPM and RPM in Adsense.

eCPM is calculated by Page Impressions while ad impressions measure RPM.

In the old Adsense interface, you get to see the total page impressions with Adsense Ads, irrespective of the number of blocks or units in it.

However, in the latest Google Adsense interface, you get to see the total number of ad impressions.

In fact, RPM is according to it.

Let’s have an example to show you what Page RPM mean in Google Adsense.

Suppose you have three (3) ad blocks on each page.

On one day you earned $20 with 10000 Page impressions.

So, the average eCPM, in this case, comes out to be $2.

eCPM = (Earnings / Page Impressions) * 1000 = ($20 / 10000) * 1000

What’s the RPM in this case?

The new interface will show 30000 impressions as every 10000 pages have got three (3) Ad blocks.

So, the average RPM comes out to be $0.67.

RPM = (Earnings / Ad Impressions) * 1000 = ($20 / 30000) * 1000

As there are three (3) ad blocks on each page, that’s the reason why eCPM and RPM comes out to be different amounts.

So, RPM is calculated from ad impressions.

What is a Good AdSense RPM?

I had expected this question from lot of you what is a Good Google AdSense RPM.

Well, it’s a logical one.

However, there is no generic answer to this question.

Moreover, it does depend on your niche.

For some niche blogs, an RPM of $5+ is considered a good one.

That said, there are cases where an RPM of even $250 has been reported for extreme niche blogs having high CTR (Click Through Rate) and EPC (Earnings per Click). And some people get an RPM of less than $1.

So, you see that RPM largely depends on your niche. Moreover, RPM does consider the value of keywords that you show on your page in which ads are present.

It even depends on which country your traffic is from. Plus, many other factors or parameters lead to your Adsense success.

What Causes Changes in RPM?

RPM can fluctuate a lot.

In fact, there are a number of reasons for changes in RPM.

It is interesting to understand whether changes in CTR or changes in CPC result in RPM changes.

Changes in RPM

When changes in CTR causes changes in RPM

It is more of a website or traffic performance issue.

If the website hasn’t changed, then RPM will be affected by the traffic is different from day-to-day.

It can also happen that traffic goes to different pages. This is mostly seen on ‘viral’ sites where the mix of pages viewed can differ from day-to-day.

When changes in CPC causes changes in RPM

This is much common. It is influenced by different content or traffic patterns. If you isolate those (when you serve particular ad units to particular audiences) and still find fluctuation in RPM, then it is caused by demand.

Moreover, you got to know that Adsense Ads prices are governed by keyword auction.

The supply or ad space and demand for it goes on to change continually and impact that auction.

You should watch for trends rather than give in to short-term changes.

How can you increase RPM in Adsense?

Well, it is achieved in two ways.

  • You can reduce the number of ads (not performing) on your blog. This will reduce earnings. However, the RPM will be increased.
  • Increase your earnings with some impressions.

Simple tips for improving the earnings

  • Display Ads Above the fold.
  • Do not place all ads on the same screen where your reader is reading.
  • Block the unrelated ads.
  • Consider improving Search Engine Traffic.
  • Remove the ads which appear in all the slots.
  • Use only recommended ad size formats. Do not experiment with new Ad sizes.
  • Use section targeting.
  • Use high-paying keywords on your blog related to content.

We hope that by now you must be clear with the concept of Page RPM in Google Adsense.

What’s your Page RPM in Adsense? Please share your Page RPM numbers with us.

We look forward to your valuable comments. If you found the post useful, please share it with your friends and colleagues.

Learn How to Get New AdSense Account Approval

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