As a blogger, or website owner you generally work on various aspects of your site or blog. It may be the content, style of presentation, link building, keyword optimization, social networking or something else. Your goal is to optimize your site so that you can get more and more visitors to your site.
In short, you perform Search Engine Optimization to improve your site’s ranking in the search results and hence increase the number of clicks to your site. All this invariably leads to bring more and more traffic to your site.
But in the course of doing all these SEO tasks, you tend to forget to check and remove broken links that exist in your blog posts or web pages.
Most of the time the content and even the images in your posts happen to carry links pointing to other websites. These are often referred to as out bound links. This is absolutely fine but sometimes the links direct to a webpage that does not exist at all, or has been deleted or moved to a new address. Such links are referred as Broken Links. When users click on a broken link, it invariably results in an error page.
So you need to check that broken links exist in your site or not. And if broken links exist, then you need to remove them immediately.
Existence of broken links in your website affects its ranking in the results shown up by the search engine. They prevent the search engines to index your site completely. Moreover, finding the broken links by your users is a frustrating experience for them too.
Ultimately it hampers your brand image.
So you need to check and remove broken links from your website or blog.
If you have used Microsoft Free SEO Toolkit then you may have found some broken link errors which needs to be correct for better SEO and an easy and effective way to achieve this is by using Broken Link Checker WordPress Plugin.
If you are running a WordPress enabled blog or website, then Broken Link Checker Plugin would enable you to check for broken links in your posts or web pages and removes them so that you get to have a broken link free posts or web pages for your website or blog.
Broken Link Checker is free and can be easily installed to your WordPress site. It first checks for broken links in your posts, content, blogroll and also in the comments. Detects such links that doesn’t work any longer and notifies you through email or dashboard. You can then edit such links from the plugin’s page itself without resorting to manual updation.
Further, it prevents the search engines from following the broken links. Broken Link Checker lets you perform several actions related to broken links. You can “edit URL”, “Unlink” or can even mark the link as “Not broken”. It is extensively configurable too.
The main advantage of this plugin is that you don’t need to go to each post and manually update the link. You can easily unlink or change the broken link URL from one place in few seconds. Such is the capability and usefulness of Broken Link Checker WordPress Plugin.
You also stand to benefit in a big way by using Broken Link Checker WordPress Plugin. You can easily and effectively check and remove broken links from your WordPress blog or site through Broken Link Checker Plugin.